Big angry red button
Big angry red button

  • The channel What's Inside went to Baccarat to see how the middle of the play button was made.
  • No official response was made about the Baccarat Red Crystal falling out, but claims suppose a lack of adhesive for the Red Crystal Socket from the factory floor is to blame.
  • In PewDiePie's LWIAY Episode #0091, he showed off his Red Diamond Play Button, where the Baccarat Red Crystal proceeded to fall out of it's socket.
  • JackSucksAtLife got a red diamond award replica made by Jason Kovac, where he showed it off in his video on the 26th of February, 2021.
  • The location of T-Series's briefcase is unknown. He later reunited it with the actual Play Button in January of 2022. JackSucksAtLife bought the briefcase for $1,500 USD, which equates to £1,134.45 Great British Pounds. Along with many of his other awards, the briefcase was put on eBay.
  • PewDiePie threw away the briefcase that the Red Diamond Award came in.
  • big angry red button

  • PewDiePie was the first ever YouTuber to receive the Red Diamond Play Button, and the first to own a broken one.
  • A 2D representation of a Red Diamond Play Button.

    Big angry red button